Clinical Trial Policy

All clinical trials, which are any research projects that prospectively assign individuals or a group of people to an intervention, with or without concurrent comparison or control groups, in order to study the relationship between a health-related intervention and a health outcome, must be registered in a public trials registry acceptable to the International Committee of Medical Journals Editors (ICMJE). Authors of randomized controlled trials must adhere to the CONSORT guidelines , and provide both a CONSORT checklist (for protocols, see the SPIRIT guidance) and flow diagram. We require that you choose the MS Word template at for the flow chart and cite/upload it in the manuscript as a figure. In addition, submitted manuscripts must include the unique registration number in the Abstract as evidence of registration. For more detailed instructions regarding clinical trials, please visit the guideline below:

Clinical Trials Guidelines

You can register for clinical trials by visiting the following link:

To register the relevant record in the system and learn more about the protocol to be followed, please review the link below:

The other registries are accepted by ICJME:

Policy on Artificial Intelligence Usage:

In our pursuit of scholarly excellence, this policy outlines the principled use of artificial intelligence (AI) in our journal. Authors employing AI tools must transparently disclose their methods, ensuring ethical conduct and full accountability. This policy underscores the importance of transparency, responsible authorship, and the prohibition of AI-generated content as primary sources. Through these guidelines, we maintain the integrity of our academic contributions while embracing the evolving landscape of AI technology.

1. Authorship and AI: Authors utilizing AI tools in manuscript writing, image/graphical element production, or data collection and analysis must transparently disclose the specifics of AI tool usage in the Materials and Methods (or equivalent) section of the paper. This disclosure should include details on how the AI tool was employed and which specific tool was utilized. Authors retain full responsibility for the content of their manuscript, even sections generated by an AI tool, and are accountable for any violations of publication ethics. Authors must confirm the absence of plagiarism in text or images produced by AI, ensuring proper attribution and full citations for all quoted material.

2. Transparency in AI Usage: Authors are required to openly acknowledge the use of AI tools in their submissions, detailing their role in manuscript creation, image/graphical element production, or data analysis. The involvement of AI, along with the specific tools used, must be clearly stated in the Materials and Methods section. Authors are liable for any potential ethical breaches, including plagiarism, in materials generated by AI assistance.

3. Editorial Transparency: Editors incorporating AI tools in the manuscript evaluation process must maintain transparency in their approach. The utilization of AI should be clearly stated by the editorial board to uphold the integrity of the peer-review process.

4. Citation of AI-Generated Material: Citation of AI-generated material as a primary source is not permissible in our journal. Authors must rely on human-generated content for primary sources, ensuring the credibility and integrity of the research presented.

By adhering to these guidelines, our journal aims to ensure the responsible and transparent integration of artificial intelligence, upholding the highest standards of academic integrity and scholarly rigor in our publications.

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