gMPS programs yield accurate and reliable results in the assessment of myocardial function in addition to myocardial perfusion. In all patient groups and the small heart group, the closest LVEF values to those of the reference method were cal-culated with 4D-MSPECT. Overestimation of LVEF in small hearts is the major prob-lem of gMPS methods and also ERNA and BPGS. In this study the lowest overesti-mations of LVEF values were obtained with QGS in small hearts.
All gMPS programs were well correlated with BPGS, while 4D-MSPECT had the best correlation. Mean differences in EF between gMPS programs and BPGS were not significant, except for ECTb, with which EF values were significantly higher from BPGS. No statistically significant differences were observed between BPGS and gMPS programs for mean end dias-tolic volume (EDV) values. However, ESV values from ECT and 4D MSPECT programs were significantly lower than those from BPGS. EF values were significantly higher in patients with small hearts for all methods. The closest EF values to the reference method values were calcula-ted with 4D MSPECT in group 1 and with QGS in group 2.
Materials and Methods:
Forty patients whose gMPS were seen to be normal were included. Rest blood pool studies were performed in patients 3 days after the evalua-tion of gMPS, and the data were processed with 3 different programs: Emory Cardiac Toolbox (ECT), Quantitative Gated SPECT (QGS), and 4D-MSPECT. The results of each program were evaluated using BPGS as the reference method and all programs were compared with each other. Patients were also grouped according to their end systolic volumes (ESV) with BPGS; the ESV < 30 ml (small heart) group was com-pared to group 2 (ESV >30 ml) for functional parameters. Repeated measures ANO-VA, linear regression, and Bland-Altman analysis were used to compare the methods.
To compare several gated myocardial perfusion SPECT (gMPS) programs with blood pool gated SPECT (BPGS) for the evaluation of left ventricular (LV) func-tional parameters and further investigate the effect of heart size in a population with low coronary artery disease (CAD) risk.