Etiological factors that cause iatrogenic pneumothorax were evaluated and the risk factors for iatrogenic pneumothorax in various diagnostic procedures and clinical applications were emphasized.
From January 2003 to December 2004, we treated 196 pati-ents with pneumothorax. Fifty-three of them were found to have iatro-genic pneumothorax. Patients’ age, gender, primary diagnoses, etiology of iatrogenic pneumothorax, time of drainage and treatment results were analyzed.
Mean age of the 53 patients (26 women, 27 men) was 44.16 (range: 26 days-82 years). That was 27.04% of all pneumothorax patients. Mean time drainage was 8 days. Pleurodesis was applied to 6 patients with persistent air leak. Six patients (11.32%) died because of primary pathologies. No recurrence was seen in the other patients during the 2 to 6 months of the survey.
With the increased number of thoracic procedures, the in-cidence of iatrogenic pneumothorax could be high in teaching hospitals. This depends on the experience of the doctor; therefore, we think that the procedures that may cause pneumothorax should be taught by experienced staff over longer periods