In this study we aimed to show morphological changes in thick conformation level of endometrial tissue in different age groups of rat.
In this study, 15 Wistar albino female rat studied in 5 different groups according to their ages. 1. group: Newborn ( n=3 ), 2. group: 5 week ( n=3 ), 3. group: 7 week (n=3), 4.group: 3 month (n=3), 5. group: 12 month (n=3). The harvested uterus tissue samples buried in araldite following usual electron microscope preparation methods while half thick cross sections are painted with toluidin blue and examined with Olympus photo light microscope, thick cross section taken from marked areas, examined on a Carl Zeiss EM 900microscope and photographed.
We show that there is no adult endometrial conformation in new born group. On the other hand starting with 5th week, endometrial conformation reached to adult level. Starting with 7th week apoptosis and also basal membran thickness increased in these tissues.
As a result, we show that the most definite changes occur in basal lamina and stroma, and these changes effected by fecundity related with age.