Ultrastructural Investigation of Parietal Cells in Fasting-After Fasting and the Effects of Histamin and Gastrin
Original Investigation
P: 59-64
July 2011

Ultrastructural Investigation of Parietal Cells in Fasting-After Fasting and the Effects of Histamin and Gastrin

GMJ 2011;22(3):59-64
1. Gazi Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Histoloji ve Embriyoloji Anabilim Dalı, Ankara, Türkiye
No information available.
No information available
Received Date: 02.05.2011
Accepted Date: 19.06.2011



The distinct degeneration which is observed during the gastrin application in this study was evaluated as a result of the augmen-tation of the acid secretion by gastrin using two ways. (Gazi Med J 2011; 22: 59-64)


It was determined in the executed research, by using the electron microscope, that tubulovesicular struc-tures were increased in the fasting group independently of the control group, vacuolar structures were also ob-served in patches and histamine application did not reveal any difference except for mitochondrial differences in small amounts. However, it was determined that gastrin application increased the cellular degeneration parallel to increasing duration. This transformation was especially observed in nuclear structures, mitochondria and intracy-toplasmic canaliculi in the cells.


In this study, nine groups were composed of Swiss albino male rats. Group 1: Control, group 2: fasting for 12 hours, group 3: 12 hours fasting +1hour histamine, group 4: 12 hours fasting + 3min. gastrin, group 5: 12 hours fasting + 3min. DMSO (solvent of gastrin), group 6: 12 hours fasting + 7min. gastrin, group 7: 12 hours fasting + 7min. DMSO, group 8: 12 hours fasting + 15min. gastrin, group 9: 12 hours fasting + 15min. DMSO. At the end of the study time, the tissue samples were passed through routine electron microscopic preparation methods and tis-sues were embedded in araldite CY212 kit. Thin sections were evaluated on Carl Zeiss EM 900 electron microscope.


The aim of this study is to determine the ultrastructural effect of fasting and applications of histamine and gastrin after fasting in gastric parietal cell.

Parietal cell, fasting, gastrin, histamin, ultrastructure